Hello from 13
Hello from 13
Hey! I'm Alex '13' Uslavtsev, and I'm a leader of this team. All our games were made by different people, with the only common element being me and my passion for game development.
I'm currently working as a Producer for one of Ukrainian game development companies, but it's not enough for me :) Gamedev is my whole life, so I gathered the team again. We're going to deliver something small but special :)
Current team
Current team
Titans of the Past
3 Programmers
1 Level Artist
1 VFX Artist
1 2D artist
1 QA
1 Technical Game Designer
1 Game Designer / Level Designer
1 Producer / Game Designer
You can reach me, 13, personally, here:
Telegram: @aukeratu
Email: 13branniy@gmail.com
And here are my social network profiles: