Titans of the past
Old-friend dungeon crawler in the modern packaging.
As the name implies, this game stands on the shoulders of the Titans of the Past: games like Wizardry, Might and Magic, The Bard's Tale, Eye of the Beholder, and Legend of Grimrock.
Another meaning of the game's name is hidden inside the game's lore for you to uncover. But we know for sure our players are clever and already have some good guesses.
We're a small Ukrainian team trying to make a good game for an old-school, hardcore audience - just like us. We are creating a game we love and want to play, and we hope you will enjoy it as well.
First-person party-based RPG
Delve into the carefully handcrafted dungeons in first-person view, but command a party of characters. Develop their skills; find, choose, and tune their equipment; learn and use spells and abilities that any 90s gamer feels familiar with.
Real-time with a twist
The game world moves only with the player's input - so it's a mix of real-time action and thoughtfulness of a 'pause when you wish' approach.
Go Adventuring
Embark on procedurally generated Adventures and choose your path between nodes like Dungeons, Campfires, Shops, Unexpected Events, etc. Make your decisions carefully, considering different Dungeon Modifiers that can hinder or ease your way and bring more loot, XP, resources - or peril.
Delve the Dungeons
Dungeons are hand-crafted to provide the best experience, and we also care about replayability. Monsters spawn, secrets, and gameplay-affecting mutators are randomized.
Develop your Town
You'll have a good place to put the resources you bring from your adventures - your town! Like you do it in Heroes of Might and Magic, construct buildings and upgrade them. That unlocks new options for character creation - races and classes; new items to buy; new skills and spells to learn; new crafting opportunities; and so on.
Gear up
The itemization in the game is procedural and quite complex. Expect something similar to Diablo and other ARPGs: prefixes, suffixes, tiers, rerolling until you are satisfied, and a bit of farming for BIS items.
Content numbers
35 classes
15 races
50 monsters
33 skills with 4 mastery levels each
150+ spells (also with 4 mastery levels)
100+ items
100+ item affixes
30 mutators, boons, and perks
All that brings you Infinite adventures!